Can satan kill Covid19 and the flue?
Last year ( 2020 ), Satan gave me immunity to Covid 19 in a spectacular way*.
Over the last 10 months I have asked him for proof, Because I didnt want to purposly test its resilence by exposing myself to covid19.
Last week I felt the flu coming on.
Headache, listless, sneezing, sore throat.
I went to bed early because of it.
Before getting into bed, I prayed to him by asking him for guidance, inspiration and a good nights rest and sleep.
Then I got into bed and I noticed the odor in my nose strengthen to be stronger.
Overnight, Satan purged his power through my nose and released the strong odor so every breath I took, the deodorized air killed the virus.
The next day the flue was gone and not come back.
Thats Satans power as its best.
*If you want to read how Satan gave me immunity to Covid19, go read my Ebook ” The Journey”.
If you want to hear way more I will go on skype for you but there are conditions
Father Graham